And so my prayer is that your story will have involved some leaving and some coming home, some summer and some winter, some roses blooming out like children in play. My hope is your story will be about changing, about getting something beautiful from inside you.

We have dreamed of this day and time of our lives to study abroad for many years, and I can’t believe that day is tomorrow. Thanks to Spanish schools starting later, we have both had time to reflect on what we are excited for and our New Year’s Resolutions in a new country. Here they are:

1. Learn Spanish and not get frustrated when communication is hard

2. Fully explore Seville and be able to call it home

3. Travel and see cities and countries we have always dreamed of seeing

4. Embrace and experience the Spanish culture (hello Flamenco dancing and futbol games)

5. Practice patience when it will be the hardest thing to do

It all begins tomorrow with this lovely girl right here

Buenas noches.